Tuesday 9 June 2020


It important for a distributor to understand the hooks and USP's of a film, to fully engage with an audience. These can be drawn from all aspects of the film, as said by Kezia Williams "from the script, from the first moment we read it". So if the distributor has a good understanding of different aspects of a film they will be able to use these to draw the audience in. 

Film Distribution (Basic Guide) - Freelance Video Collective
  • When marketing a film to an audience - the distributor must understand the key themes and hooks of the film, and present them to the audience. What will excite the audience? 
  • A distributor must also be aware of the emotional aspects of a film and use them to engage the audience. 
  • Distributors must use what features make the film unique in its genre to capture the audience, these features are referred to as a film's unique selling points.
  • The challenges of marketing a film must be identified and acknowledged, giving an insight into where the film can be positioned

Unique Selling Point | Unique Selling Proposition |USP
Examples of selling points:
  • An established cast and director
  • Performances
  • Reviews
  • Awards
  • source material
  • sequels/prequels
  • Blockbuster - Cinematic Spectacle

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