Wednesday 3 June 2020


The FDA did an analysis of the different sites people use to find out about films. 

Youtube is a well know social media platform, it hosts a wide range of content. Personally, YouTube is where I view most of the film trailers I see. There is a multitude of channels there that post trailers. These channels upload frequently, keeping me informed on what being released. Recently a trailer I have been looking at, La Mann's 66. 

IMDB is a website owned by Amazon, the site contains information on films new and old. The site also features a plethora of trailers, making an optimal place to find trailers on upcoming films. I mostly use the site to find information on films, cast, directors, publishers and reviews. 

Rotten Tomatoes is a hub of reviews, both from professional critics and everyday moviegoers. The website also has a large catalogue of trailers, which can be watched while looking at the review page of a movie.

1 comment:

  1. Good research on your top three sites for finding out about movie trailers. You give reasons for your preferences based on key aspects of the respective sites.
