To give the user of the website a feeling of branding from the website, it uses a consistent black and white theme with red accents. This theme is to convey the gritty thriller and horror genre of Silhouette, as well as provide a please webpage to look at. The font used is kept the same, the only deviation is where the font shifts from bold to light. Bold font is used for titles to draw attention, whereas light font is used for large bodies of text as it is much easier to read and give the website a clean look and feel. 

The front page of my website features the two main characters back to back as well as, the film's logo in the centre. This is done to draw the viewer in by presenting the main characters as a key focus, this focus is made by the central placement as well as them featuring next to the logo. This focus creates a sense of importance and the audience will want to see these characters prosper, drawing them to watch the film. Above the logo is the phrase "From the makers of Duty Calls", this allows the audience to connect this new film with an existing one. Bringing about the sentiment if they liked the previous film they are likely to enjoy this new film made by the same production team.  The front page also has other assets, the centre of the screen is taken up by the Raindance logo as well as "Raindance 2021". This tells the audience that the film has received recognition from a film festival, proving it worth watching. On top of this, the front page has brief snippets from reviews used to entice the reader. These snippets show the key information from the reviews that will draw the user in to look around the website. 

When scrolling down on the front page, the user will be met by the synopsis. Giving the user a brief idea of what our film is about and engaging those who it interests. The background starts of moving showing Joe (one of the operative actors) pulling down his Night Vision Goggles. The background moves to draw the user's attention but is then still allow them to read. 

Scrolling down once more on the home page, there is a gallery showing of some behind the scene images as well as images used for the film and other media. This is used to entice the by giving them something to look at before the trailer as well as see the work that has gone into producing the film. 

My Website features a screening page which show all the festivals that the film will be appearing at. This allows audiences to get invested and see the film at these festivals. The titles of the festivals are all linked to the main websites of the festivals, so the user can buy tickets to see the film. 

A cast and crew page is used so that the audience can get an incite into the people behind the film, as well as find out about other projects they have worked on. The page shows each member of the team with their title and photo. This helps forms a connection between the production team and the audience it creates this sense of understanding between them as the audience know who the team is and what they have done in the past.

The contact page is where the links to the PSYX productions social media accounts can be found. Social media are a great way to engage an audience as it provides regular updates and builds hype around the film. As well as this the social media are a way for the audience to get involved and contact the production team, find out more about the film and ask questions to the filmmakers. The same with the public email address. 

The review page lets the user see what critics think of the film. The reviews are presented in a stylish and simplistic format so the user has little difficultly reading. On top of this, the snippets from the front page are highlighted in red to draw the users attention and reinforce what is being said. 




My chosen film (Marvel Infinity war) is positioned as a spectacle in order to draw in the audience. Marvel uses their social media accounts in order to build hype by interacting with the audience, e.g asking how excited they are. This would generate more and more discussion around the film, maybe cause those who see the post to speak to their friends or family members. The fact that they are asking this adds more to the selling point that it is a spectacle, the idea that if you fail to watch it; you're missing out.
In the poster, a key strength of the film is exploited in an effective way. Infinity War features a cast of all the characters in the Marvel cinematic franchise. This is used in the poster where they display all the characters showing the audience just how many of the favourite established series are crossing over.
Kezia Williams explains that the movie market has become so congested that in order to sell a film successfully you need to make it stand out to the audience, otherwise you will release a film without anyone realizing that it has been released. Or the film won't interest them enough and they prefer to watch another film. 
Chris Resseling explains that before marketing a film you must be aware of the key selling point of the film and who the target audience is. 


  1. 1917: You seize instantly on the extraordinary interactive features that make the 1917 website such an individual experience.It offers different pleasures and ways of engaging audiences from the FB, Twitter and Instagram feeds. It delivers a sense of immersion and realism which you explore fully.

  2. JOHN WICK: Another conventional WarnerBros website with heavy emphasis on trailers, visuals, platforms and social media links. Interesting to see a Reddit link here, too. Very dramatic, deeply saturated colours with intense focus on its star Keanu Reeves.

  3. EX MACHINA: Oddly, the trailer is no longer available on this highly sophisticated and beautifully futuristic website. You show appreciation of the design elements, such as the mesmeric shifting grid, and how they fit the film's content well. The website is heavy on accolades which it quotes at length, as you note.

  4. Website An excellent film website with an arresting home page that features close-up profiles of the protagonists in their combat gear posed with satisfying symmetry. The layout and monochrome tones of the landing page allows for easy legibility of information which is grouped thoughtfully (film title, tagline); it allows the convergent links to be easily accessible and showcases the accolades of both the pull quotes and the Raindance Festival logo. The website hosts all the necessary elements (trailer, ‘behind the scenes’ photos, gallery, cast and crew, festival screenings, social media links, poster). The reviews page has particularly attractive layout and the video behind the Synopsis works effectively.
