Wednesday 24 March 2021

REFLECTION: DESIGNING THE FILM WEBSITE was used for the construction of my film website. Wix is an easy to use services that provide sleek and aesthetic wireframes that the user can edit to make their own. It also offers a multitude of features that are of great use for a film website, such as an integrated store function as well as hyperlinking with a wide range of assets. 
I began the design of my website with a black and white theme in mind, which then evolved into having hints of red for assets to grab attention. I made sure that all the assets fit within the two sidebar lines. This is to make sure that a wide range of screen sizes can see important assets. 
Wix allows for the use of galleries which is used here. You can select from a range of layout for the images to appear in, I used the masonry layout for my gallery. This give each photo a roughly equal scale so more photos are able to be shown. The gallery is useful in a film website as it allows the audience to see behind the scene photos or other media around the film, getting them invested and hyped for the film. 

The contact page features three logos of social medias. When clicked on, the logos are linked to their respective social media and takes the user to the account of the film/production company on those social medias. The email address is able to be highlighted, copied and pasted if the user wishes to get in contact. 
On the screenings page, each text asset of the name of the festival is hyperlinked to take the user to the festival's home website when clicked on. This creates an easy to use interface and allows the user to book tickets to the festival without having to search for it. 

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